Shah Rukh Khan went on a long break after his film Zero bombed at the box office in 2018. He is now coming to entertain people with his films Dunki,Pathan and Jawan. Shah Rukh Khan speaking to scribes, threw light on Zero failure and on his long break.
Shah Rukh Khan said " I didn't plan to take such a long break. I just wanted to take a one-year break. But the break got stretched due to the lockdown and pandemic. That in turn, gave me more time to get fit, and spend time with family and my kids."
Shah Rukh on the failure of Zero said "I put in a lot of hard work into it but it didn't work.I also felt bad about it. Then I decided to do what people like. I heard enough of my heart, so now I want to do something that people like me doing and yet something that's different. Hence I decided to take a break for a year, post the release of 'Zero'."