Power Star Pawan Kalyan is keen to wrap up his current projects as soon as possible and then go on a full fledged war taking on his bus yatra in the Andhra Pradesh ahead of the 2024 elections. Pawan Kalyan is currently busy with Hari Hara Veera Mallu and lined up a project with Sujeeth. Question marks are increasing over Pawan Kalyan's project Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh with Harish Shankar. Rumours are spreading that Pawan Kalyan asked Harish Shankar to shelve the project and instead concentrate on Theri remake which is resulting in a severe backlash from Pawan Kalyan's fans.
In the meantime, Harish Shankar is not leaving Pawan Kalyan and is haunting him like a ghost going on wherever he goes. He shared the picture of him along with Pawan Kalyan in the sets of Hari Hara Veera Mallu. Sharing the picture, Harish Shankar posted "Had a great time on the sets of #HHVM thank you
@DirKrish for the reception @MythriOfficial Let’s Rock !!!!!"
The film stars Nidhi Agerwal as the female lead and Arjun Rampal and Norah Fatehi in important roles.