Super Star Krishna's sudden demise brought an end to the golden era of Tollywood and this is leaving all speechless. It is known that NTR, ANR, Krishna, Krishnam Raju, Sobhan Babu used to be the legends and all made their heavenly abode.
Krishnam Raju passed away a couple of months back on September 11, 2022. Krishna passed away today November 15, 2022. Krishnam Raju's wife Shyamala Devi paying floral tributes to Krishna recollected that both Krishna and Krishnam Raju used to share good bonhomie ever since Sultan shooting. She felt that both came to the industry at the same time and now both left all in tears.
She revealed that Krishmam Raju recently on Krishna's birthday invited Krishna to his house and promised to treat him with Chepala Pulusu. The said tragedy struck Mahesh Babu as his family lost three close family members and prayed to God to give him the strength to deal with the situation.