Ohmkar's brother Ashwin Babu is working hard to make an impression with his films. He made an impact with his performance in Raju Gari Gadi 3 and is currently busy with his project interestingly titled Hidimbha. According to the latest, the makers came up with the update that they have wrapped up the shooting. The film is directed by Anil Krishna Kanneganti who shot to fame with films like Ashadhyudu, Mister Nookayya, and Run.
The film features Nandita Swetha as the female lead and the music is tuned by Vikas. R.Varma and Rajasekhar are handling the editing and cinematography departments.the first look released sometime back increased the interest levels among movie lovers. Plans are on to release the film's trailer in the coming days.
Gangapatnam Sridhar is producing Hidimba under Sri Vignesh Karthik Cinemas (SVK Cinemas).