
Bollywood Star after Samantha

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Varun Dhawan after Samantha diagnosed with a rare disease

Varun Dhawan after Samantha diagnosed with a rare disease
Varun Dhawan after Samantha diagnosed with a rare disease

Couple of weeks back movie lovers got a huge shock when Samantha revealed that she was diagnosed with a rare auto immune disease Mysotis. Even before people could recover from the shock, Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan shared that he is suffering from a rare disease.

He shared that he is suffering from vestibular hypofunction. This affects the body balance of a person. Sharing his ideal Varun Dhawan recalled “Recently, I just shut down. I didn't know what had happened to me. I had this thing called vestibular hypofunction, basically, your balance goes off,” 


This triggered flurry of posts from his fans and Varun Dhawan reacted,"To everyone who has been concerned I would like to share I am doing much better with the help of yoga, swimming, physio and a change in lifestyle,” Vestibular hypofunction is a disease in which person's balance is affected. This happens when the inner part of the ear which is also a part of your balance system does not work properly. The vestibular system (in your inner ear) of the person suffering from this condition does not respond properly and sends an error message to the brain. As a result the patient experiences dizziness.