Adivi Sesh's upcoming film HIT 2, The second instalment from the HIT franchise is nearing its release date. The teaser which was released recently received rave reviews. Adivi Sesh is seen as Krishna Das aka KD who works for Homicide Intervention Team. HIT is announced to be in a multiverse genre. The future HIT films will cross paths with each other and HIT 2 also has some connections with the previous part where Vishwak Sen played the lead role.
HIT 2 teaser is pulled down by the youtube trending list citing excessive violence as the reason. It also puts an age restriction to watch the teaser. So, we have to sign in and be above 18 years only to watch the teaser. All this has been said by Adivi Sesh himself in a video. The teaser towards the end shows a dead body of a woman whose parts are mutilated. Sesh also said he knew it is too much violence but the story needs it.
Melodious song Urike Urike crooned by Sid Sriram will be out tomorrow. HIT 2 will hit the screens on December 2nd. Meenakshi Choidhart is the heroine. Nani and Prashanti Tipirneni are producing this film under Wallposter Cinema Banner.