Karunada Chakravarthy Shiva Rajkumar's Pan India Film 'Ghost' is the next big thing from Sandalwood. Billed as an Action Heist Thriller Ghost is undergoing it's shoot in a brisk pace. Blockbuster Film 'Birbal' fame Srini is Directing this film while Popular politician and producer Sandesh Nagraj is bank-rolling this biggie under his Sandesh Productions.
On the eve of Diwali, Team 'Ghost' wished everyone with a brand new poster. The poster features Shivaraj Kumar holding a gun with bullets flying all-over. The fire and smoke backdrop added more intensity to the already striking poster. The film which was recently launched is in shoot mode. The crew is filming key scenes in a huge prison set worth Rs 6 crores in Minerva Mills. An action sequence will be shot in this set for 24 days in this schedule till November 10th. The second schedule will begin from December.