Swathimithyam Bellamkonda Ganesh’s latest is an action thriller titled Nenu Student Sir! Produced by ‘Naandhi’ Satish Varma and directed by debutant Rakesh Uppalapati. Coming from Naandhi makers, Nenu Student Sir! is also said to be rich in content with a unique subject. The story is penned by director Krishna Chaitanya.
After revealing the first looks of the protagonist Ganesh and the leading lady Avantika Dassani. Today, makers released the first look of Versatile Actor Samuthirakani as Arjun Vasudevan. He is playing the father of Heroine Avantika whose character name is Sruthi Vasudevan. Samuthirakani appears in the poster as a police officer who walks on the road with seriousness in his face, with huge students crowd on his back.
Mahati Swara Sagar is composing the music while Kalyan Chakravarthy is providing the dialogues. Nenu Student Sir! is presently in the post-production phase and the makers will soon announce the release date.