Star Director Gunasekhar is known for his larger-than-life stories and films. Movie lovers are waiting for the release of his film Shakuntalam and also updates from his film Hiranyakashyapa. Gunasekhar by this time would have been busy with the post-production activities of his film Shakuntalam which was slated for November 4. However, he postponed the film indefinitely due to the extensive involvement of VFX and concentrated on his personal life.
He performed his daughter Neelima Guna's engagement. Neelima Guna's engagement in a sudden manner came as a surprise to many. Neelima Guna who is the producer for Shakuntalam got engaged to Ravi Prakhya and the engagement happened in a lavish manner. Neelima Guna herself confirmed her engagement by sharing snaps of her engagement.
The function turned out to be a private one and she is getting flooded with congratulatory messages. Neelima Guna earlier produced Anushka's Rudramadevi.