Megastar Chiranjeevi 's Political Action Thriller 'Godfather' has hit the screens worldwide on October 5th. This remake of Mohanlal's Malayalam Blockbuster Lucifer is Directed by Mohan Raja while Produced by NV Prasad and RB Chowdary. Godfather is made with a lot of changes from the original and gained very good talk from the audience. Right from the night of 1st day of any big films it became a common norm to enquire about collections to guage it's success at the box office.
Makers of Godfather officially announces the first day figure collected by the film. Godfather managed to collect Rs 38 crores worldwide on its first day. Considering the good talk and glowing reviews, the film is expected to collect more on its release day but factors like sharing screens with other releases The Ghost and Swathimuthyam affected it's box office numbers. Going by the trends of 2nd day morning shows, and upcoming weekend Godfather is expected to do well at the box office.