Brahmastar Part 1 Shiva was released amidst huge expectations last week. The film featured Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor and is directed by Ayan Mukherjee. The film's star cast of Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, and Shah Rukh Khan in cameos increased the excitement. However, the film got negative reviews and it also faced a boycott campaign against it.
Despite this, the film did well at the box office during the weekend and passed the Monday test. In the midst of all this, people are left wondering whether Brahmastra Part 1 Shiva has already turned out to be a profitable venture. However it is coming out that despite paid reviews and positive posts and propaganda, the film is yet to reach the breakeven.
The film is still struggling and those associated with it are worried about whether they will recover their costs. The paid reviews and promotional blitzkrieg helped the film sustain at the box office through the weekend but the real litmus test starts from today. The only saving grace for Brahmastra is there is no real competition in the Hindi belt as Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan's Vikram Vedha will be releasing only on September 30.