Balakrishna's son Mokshagna is celebrating his birthday and all the Nandamuri fans expected some special announcement from Balakrishna regarding his grand entry in the film industry. However, much to their disappointment, nothing came out. However, they got delighted when it came out that Mokshagna celebrated his birthday with his dad Balakrishna on the sets of his upcoming entertainer NBK107 directed by Gopichand Malineni.
Mokshagna cut the cake and Balakrishna who is overjoyed fed the cake lovingly to his son. The picture is going viral on social media much to the delight of all the fans. However, he put on weight and this is worrying everyone as Balakrishna is keen on launching his son in a lavish and extravagant manner with a never seen storyline.
Mokshagna who was reluctant earlier finally gave in to the persuasions of his mother Vasundhara and finally, Mokshagna decided to carry on the Nandamuri mantle in the film industry.