Bollywood which is facing the question mark on its existence is now pinning all its hopes on Brahmastra Part 1-Shiva which is racing for a sensational release on September 9. Expectations are increasing as Rajamouli got associated with the project and decided to present the film in south Indian languages. Apart from it, Chiranjeevi has given voice over to the film. The film's pre-release event will be held on September 2 in a grand manner in Hyderabad. Jr NTR will be gracing the event as the chief guest.
Now inside talk is the makers will be arranging for the special screening of the film for Mega Star Chiranjeevi. Inside talk is the makers planned to invite Chiranjeevi as the chief guest for the pre-release event. But Rajamouli proposed the name of Jr NTR and NTR too gave the green signal.
Inside talk is Chiranjeevi will watch Brahmastra special show as it features his friend King Nagarjuna in an important role. The makes expect Chiranjeevi's support will make movie lovers throng theatres. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt in the lead while Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, Mouni Roy, and Dimple Kapadia are playing important roles of Prof. Arvind Chaturvedi, archaeologist Ajay Vasishit. Shah Rukh Khan is seen in a powerful cameo under the direction of Ayan Mukherji.