Ramesh Varma got a huge shock when his film with Mass Raja Raviteja Khiladi turned out to be a disaster. He is now coming with the sequel for the hit film Rakshasudu. Plans are on to cast Sandalwood star Kichcha Sudeep in the lead role in Rakshasudu 2 which is touted to be a pan-India entertainer.
Now, reports are coming that Ramesh Varma is lining up another exciting project. Inside talk is he is collaborating with Bollywood production house Pooja Entertainments and is planning to come up with a project titled WHO. The film comes with the caption Trust No One. Ramesh Varma shared "Excited to collaborate with #PoojaEntertainment and Music Director @ThisIsDSP for our next title- #WHO. Set to release Pan India in 5 different languages #Hindi #Tamil #Telugu #Kannada #Malayalam"
Devi Sri Prasad will be tuning music while Ratnavelu will be cranking the camera. The film will be bankrolled by Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, and Deepshikha Deshmukh.