The wait is over for Rowdy Star Vijay Devarakonda's Bollywood debut. His sports-based action flick Liger directed by Puri Jagannath is releasing on August 25 across the world. Expectations are soaring owing to Vijay Devarakonda's unprecedented craze among the Genex movie lovers and also the controversies surrounding it in the backdrop of the boycott trend going on in Bollywood.
It is surprising that a debutante in Bollywood, Vijay Devarakonda is also facing the boycott trend. However, Vijay Devarakonda promoted the film by going on a whirlwind tour across the country and met all the top stars like Chiranjeevi, Prabhas, Balakrishna, and others promoted the film in a big way.
The film stars Ananya Pandey as the female lead and the presence of boxing legend Mike Tyson is exciting all movie lovers. Stay tuned for the Liger review from Cinejosh a couple of hours from now.