Super Star Mahesh Babu enjoys an immense fan following among all sections of movie lovers. Movie lovers are waiting eagerly for his upcoming film under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. Apart from it, expectations are soaring for Mahesh Babu's next with Rajamouli. Fans who have been waiting eagerly for the regular shoot to kick start under Trivikram Srinivas' direction, it is getting delayed due to various reasons.
However, his fans got super thrilled when they came to know that he started shooting for a commercial endorsing a TVC brand. The snaps shared by his wife Namrata Shirodkar went viral on social media. In the meantime, Mahesh Babu made the latest style statement. He stunned all with his new look and his killer style knocked the hearts of all.
Mahesh sported a rough look with a little beard and a stylish hairstyle. Fans of Mahesh Babu are thrilled and speculating that this could be Mahesh Babu's new look for his upcoming projects.