TJ.Gnanavel created a sensation with his hard-hitting film Jai Bhim starring Suriya in the lead. The film marginally missed the Oscar cut. According to the latest, it is coming out that TJ. Gnanavel is all set to make his Bollywood debut with a film titled Dosa King. The film
The film is touted to be a crime thriller based on P Rajagopal, founder of the famous Saravana Bhavan, and the controversy involving a woman named Jeevajothi Santhakumar. It came as a shocker when P.Rajagopal, believing in superstition planned to marry his employee Jeevajothi who was already married to Prince Santha Kumar. When she refused, after a few days, her husband Prince was found murdered in Kodaikanal.
The court convicted P.Rajagopal and eventually he passed away due to cardiac arrest in 2019. TJ.Gnanavel is planning to show the legal battle in his film Dosa King and this is generating immense interest among movie lovers.