All eyes are on NTR's upcoming project under the direction of Koratala Shiva. Movie lovers have been waiting eagerly for the makers to kickstart the regular shoot. Rumors spread that the regular shoot is getting delayed following the debacle of Koratala's project Acharya with Chiranjeevi. The film turned out to be a disaster and it plunged the distributors in huge losses. Sources say they have been demanding compensation from Korata Shiva.
In the meantime, reports also came that NTR suggested many changes to Koratala Shiva and Koratala has been busy including them in the final version of the script. Now inside talk is that NTR is getting ready to power the project and buzz are the film's regular shoot will kickstart from September second week.
The makers already erected an extravagant set in Jubilee Hills and the makers are making a few modifications. NTR already shed weight for his role and will be seen sporting a different look.