All eyes are on Rowdy Star Vijay Devarakonda's upcoming entertainer Liger trailer. It is known that the film's trailer will be launched tomorrow. Now, the makers revealed the time at which the trailer will be released. The trailer will be released on July 21 at 9.30 AM. The makers revealed this by sharing the power which showed Vijay Devarakonda facing the camera from the back.
The film is directed by Puri Jagannath and stars Ananya Pandey as the female lead. The film stars Ramya Krishna, Ronit Roy, Vishu Reddy, Ali, Makarand Desh Pandey, and Getup Srinu in key roles. World's boxing legend Mike Tyson is playing a powerful role in the film.
Liger marks VIjay Devarakonda's debut in Bollywood. The film comes with a tagline Saala Crossbreed and is produced by Puri Jagannadh along with Karan Johar and Charmee Kaur. Liger is a sports based action entertainer and Vijay Devarakonda will be seen in the role of a mixed martial arts expert.