Bollywood Queen Kangana Ranaut is known for her powerful entertainers and even more powerful and sensational comments. She is starring in a film titled Emergency. Kangana herself is directing the film which marks her debut. Kangana announced the film's title and teaser today and it created a sensation. Sharing the teaser, Kangana posted “Presenting ‘Her’ who was called ‘Sir’ #Emergency shoot begins.”
Kangana is playing the role of former PM Indira Gandhi and the film is a powerful take on Indian democracy's darkest hour when the Emergency was imposed by Indira Gandhi. Kangana looked like Indira Gandhi wearing spectacles and the saree. Kangana said “Emergency reflects one of the most important periods in Indian political history which changed the way we view power and that’s why I decided to tell this story. Moreover, playing a public figure on the screen is always a challenge because one has to get the look, the characteristics, and the persona right. I spent a significant amount of time researching the subject and once I felt I had enough ammunition, I commenced the film’s shoot.”
Prior to it, Kangana posted “These were the most dramatic events in the recent history of the world. What lead to the Emergency which was declared today and what were its consequence. In the center of it was the most powerful woman in the world. This deserves a grand-scale epic film of its own. So see you in the theatres next year with #Emergency” after coming up with the paper clipping of the imposition of emergency.
Here is the Emergency teaser