Star producer Dil Raju was blessed with a baby boy around a month back. According to the latest, it is coming out Dil Raju named his son. He named his son as Anvy and inside talk is he named his son after his previous wife and current wife.
It is known that his previous wife Anitha passed away due to illness and later he married Vygha Reddy. He has taken the first two letters from his wives' names and named his son as Anvy.
Dil Raju is already having a daughter Hashita from his first wife Anitha. Dil Raju according to sources will soon announce the name of his son officially. On the professional front, Dil Raju tasted a hit in form of F3 and his film Thank You is racing for a grand release. Apart from it, he is bankrolling prestigious projects like Vijay's Varasudu and Ram Charan's RC15.