Raviteja is gearing up to show his mass power at the box office with his upcoming film Ramarao On Duty directed by Sharat Mandava. The film is slated for a spectacular strike on July 29, 2022. The makers are promoting the film in a lavish manner and all eyes are on the film's trailer which will be released on July 16. In the meantime, the makers today delighted all by releasing the intense action-making video of the film.
The video at once went viral showing the intense action sequences shot on Raviteja. Raviteja's fans are super thrilled on watching this video which went viral on social media. The film stars dazzling Divyansha Kaushik and ravishing Rajisha Vijayan as the heroines.
Music is scored by Sam CS and the film stars Venu Thottempudi,Nasser, Sr Naresh, Pavitra Lokesh, ‘Sarpatta’ John Vijay, Chaitanya Krishna, Tanikella Bharani, Rahul Rama Krishna, Eerojullo Sree, Madhu Sudan Rao, Surekha Vani in important roles. Anveshi Jain is doing a special song.