Praveen Sattaru is getting ready to show his power with King Nagarjuna's upcoming action thriller The Ghost. The makers will be releasing the first glimpse on July 9 and they revealed it by releasing an intense poster of Nagarjuna. In the midst of all this, director Praveen Sattaru fired on the website which thrives on gossip mongering.
What infuriarated Praveen Sattaru is when the makers announced the arrival of the first visual, this website posted on twitter that Praveen Sattaru is making his debut with the film. they posted 'The makers of @iamnagarjuna's next film '#TheGhost' vow to release a spine-chilling first trailer soon. The 'FIRST VISUAL,' which will be released on July 9, is likely to heighten the excitement surrounding #PraveenSattaru's directorial debut.'
Everyone knows that Praveen Sattaru directed half a dozen films and The Ghost happens to be his seventh. Praveen Sattaru cameup with a satirical reply posting "#THEGHOST This made my day"