Kalyan Ram is getting ready to show his power with his upcoming flick Bimbisara. The film directed by Mallidi Vasisht is progressing at a brisk pace and according to the latest the makers are getting ready to release the film's trailer. The film's trailer will be released tomorrow on July 4 and will be released at 5.09 PM at AMB Cinemas Hyderabad.
Sharing the details, the makers posted "The time travel of King #Bimbisara unfolds tomorrow #BimbisaraTrailer out tomorrow at 5.09 PM " The film stars Catherine Tresa and Samyuktha Menon as the female leads while Warina Hussain, Vennela Kishore, Brahmaji, and Srinivasa Reddy are playing important roles.
Chirantan Bhatt is the music director for the film while Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer and Tammiraju is the editor. The film is directed by Hari Krsihna K and is racing for a grand release on August 5,2022.