Super Star Mahesh Babu's fans and movie lovers have been waiting eagerly for the song Murari Vaa. Finally the makers today released the song Murari Vaa on youtube and it at once went viral on social media. Anant Sriram penned lyrics for the song sung in a beautiful manner by Sruthi Ranjani, M.L. Gayatri & Sri Krishna. Thaman scored music for the song shot in an attractive manner on Mahesh Babu and Keerthi Suresh in the backdrop of extravagant sets.
Keerthi Suresh looked beautiful and glamorous, while Mahesh Babu looked handsome and stylish. Choreography is beautiful and the chemistry between Mahesh Babu and Keerthi Suresh is captivating. Parasuram directed the film which starred Samuthirakani, Vennela Kishore, Subbaraju, Mahesh Manjrekar, Sowmya Menon, Posani Krishna Murali, Ravi Prakash, Nadhiya, Tanikella Bharani, Ajay, Satyam Rajesh and Brahmaji in key roles
Naveen Yerneni, Y. Ravi Shankar, Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta produced by Mythri Movie Makers, GMB Entertainment Pvt Ltd, 14 Reels Plus banners.
Here is Murari Vaa song