Lavanya Tripathi's upcoming entertainer Happy Birthday is generating immense interest among movie lovers. The film directed by Ritesh Rana of Mathu Vadalara fame is progressing at a brisk pace. The makers today released the film's teaser. The teaser at once attracted the attention of all. Bill, which is a law meant to regulate the purchase, sale, manufacture, and use of guns. And the bill has been passed in the parliament, thus opening the floodgates of the gun culture in the country.
Fascinated by weapons, people throng gun bazaars. In the meantime, a gun-themed birthday party is conducted. There’s no entry for the party, without a gun. A special team arrives for the party, leading to a massive firing between the two parties. The concept increased curiosity levels among movie lovers. Lavanya Tripathi’s pole dance, Naresh Agastya’s mysterious expression, Satya’s stylish walk amid gun firing at the party, and Vennela Kishore’s tub bath with petals of roses bring idiosyncrasy.
Kaala Bhairava increased the intensity with his background music and Suresh Sarangam elevated the scenes with his cinematography. The film is racing for a grand release on July 15, 2022. Naresh Agastya of Mathu Vadalara fame plays a vital role alongside Satya, Vennela Kishore, and Gundu Sudarshan.
Here is Happy Birthday teaser