Super Star Mahesh Babu's action entertainer Sarkaru Vaari Paata is showing its power at the box office. The film broke many records eversince its release and according to the latest it breached another milestone and thus created another record in US. According to the latest, Sakaru Vaari Paata collected a gross of over $2.1 million and is going strong at the box office.
Sharing the details, the makers released the stylish poster of Mahesh Babu and posted " Superstar @urstrulyMahesh’s #SarkaruVaariPaata had a strong bang at USA We have crossed $2.1Million Mark #BlockbusterSVP" What is delighting the makers is the film managed to breach this milestone with the divide talk right from the premiers.
The film starred Mahesh Babu as the owner of a finance company in US and he is seen romancing Keerthy Suresh under the direction of Prasauram. Music is scored by Thaman and the film starred Samuthirakhani as the antagonist.