Super Star Mahesh Babu enjoys a huge fan following among all sections of movie lovers. His recent film Sarkaru Vaari Paata directed by Parasuram which was released yesterday got a mixed talk. Mahesh Babu played a mass role for a long time and his fans thoroughly enjoyed the film. Mahesh Babu teamed with Parasuram as he earlier scored a hit in form of Geetha Govindam. Mahesh Babu planned to come with a lighthearted entertainer unlike his earlier films Maharshi, Srimanthudu, Bharat Ane Nenu,Sari Leru Nee Kevvaru where he sent messages to the society.
The makers of Sarkaru Vaari Paata went on record that there is no message in the film. However much to the shock of all, there is an even more powerful message and Mahesh Babu is seen delivering dialogues about banks, loans, scams, etc. The entire narration from then turned out to be tedious and tested the patience of the viewers. Many are of the opinion that Mahesh Babu is turning monotonous coming with similar expressions, emotions, and more or less similar kinds of roles. Actors, theme, and setup may change but Mahesh Babu will make fun of heroines, or heroines try to woo Mahesh Babu and as the story progresses there will be a few twists and Mahesh will come up with a powerful but half baked message.
One gets a feeling that risk-averse Mahesh Babu is facing the repercussions and if he doesn't introspect he will be in for more shocks. Mahesh Babu went on record after 1-Nenokkadine flopped, that he will not take any risks and be content with entertaining viewers. However, with Srimanthudu turning out to be a hit, he decided to do similar kinds of films. Except for Athadu and Dookudu where there was a lot of entertainment and fun elements, his other films did not have any such moments. Mahesh Babu many times expressed that he will not to the freedom fighter role of Alluri Seetha Rama Raju and also a biopic.
While Ram Charan did different genre films like Magadheera, RRR, Rangasthalam, Allu Arjun did Ala Vaikunthapuramlo, Race Gurram, Pushpa, etc, Prabhas did Baahubali, Mirchi, NTR did Yamadonga, Simhadri, Jai Lava Kusa, Janatha Garage, RRR, Yama Donga, Vaishnav Tej did Uppena and Varun Tej did Fidaa, F2 and even Rana did films like Nene Raju Nene Mantri, Baahubali, Leader, etc, Mahesh Babu is still stuck up with monotony. Mahesh should be more receptive to physical transformation rather than be content with growing long hair, sporting a beard, and being under the impression that he underwent a transformation. He should also change his mannerisms and expressions and emotions by doing different genre roles. It has to be seen how Rajamouli will show Mahesh Babu in his next as only he can command Mahesh Babu to change his style completely.