Super Star Mahesh Babu is renowned for balancing both his personal and professional life. It is known that he wrapped his upcoming entertainer Sarkaru Vaari Paata and the makers are promoting the film ahead of its grand release on May 12, 2022. In the midst of all this, Mahesh Babu along with his wife Namrata Shirodkar and children Gautam and Sithara flew to Paris on a vacation.
The snaps of Mahesh Babu's family from Paris shared by Namrata stole the hearts of all. Mahesh Babu's fans are super happy with the snaps. In the meantime, Mahesh Babu returned back to Hyderabad to finish his vacation. It is known that Sarkaru Vaari Paata's pre-release event will be celebrated on May 7, 2022 and ahead of it, Mahesh Babu landed in Hyderabad.
The film stars Keerthy Suresh as the female lead and Thaman tuned music. Parasuram directed the film which starred Samuthirakhani, Subbaraju, and Nadiya in important roles.