Telugu Indie film Muthayya is capturing the imagination of all. The film directed by newcomer Bhaskar Maurya is making waves everywhere. Earlier Kajal released the film's poster and it is known that the film got a rare honor. The film will be premiered at the UK Asian Film Festival. The film will premiere at Rich Mix, London, on May 9.
In the meantime, Natural Star Nani released the film's teaser. The teaser captivated all with realistic scenes shot in natural locations. The rural backdrop and the way the director highlighted the desire of an 80-year-old person Muthayya to see himself on screen at least once before he breaths his last and the comedy generated mesmerized everyone.
Dialogues are natural and realistic and have the Telangana slang. The film stars K Sudhakar Reddy, Arun Raj, Mounika Bomma, Purna Chandra, T Sai Leela, Jayavardhan Sagar (Bunny), Kiran Kumar, and the music is scored by Karthik Rodriguez while Divakar Mani and Sai Murali are handling the cinematography and editing. Kedar Selagamsetty and Vamsi Karumanchi are presenting the film under the Hylife Entertainments Pvt Ltd banner. Vrinda Prasad has produced the film under the Fictionary Entertainment banner.
Here is the teaser