Young hero Karthikeya who shot to fame with his intense performance in RX100 on debut recently locked horns with Thala Ajith in Valimai. Karthikeya stunned all with his high octane bike stunts. According to the latest, his new project is launched in style today. The film will be directed by Clax and he will be seen romancing DJ Tillu beauty Neha Shetty.
The project is launched today in a traditional manner with a pooja ceremony in Hyderabad. Karthikeya's wife Lohita turned on the camera while the clapboard was sounded by producer Naga Vamsi. The film is a hoax drama and is produced by Ravindra Benerjee Muppaneni in a lavish manner under Loukya Entertainments. Karthikeya shared “Coming up with this crazy project…a very special film with a never before concept in my career,”. The film is a hilarious entertainer and has a Godavari backdrop.
Music for the film is scored by Mani Sharma and the film's regular shoot will kickstart soon. Apart from this project, Karthikeya is starring in the direction of newcomer Prashanth.