Beautiful heroine Kajal Agarwal gave birth to a baby boy yesterday. The couple Kajal and Gautam Kitchlu are enjoying the happy moments in their life after marriage. According to the latest, Kajal's son's name is revealed. Sharing the details, Kajal's sister Nisha came up with the following post.
Gautam posted "Our hearts are full and we are full of gratitude. Thank you, everyone, for your love and blessings @kajalaggarwalofficial." Nisha sharing the name, posted "yesterday morning was the most perfect. We welcomed our precious munchkin who makes our world so much more beautiful. The most beautiful smile.. his twinkling eyes brightened up our day. His tiny little feet and hands, the most perfect nails if you please. We are so happy to have you in our world Neil Kitchlu."
Kajal on the professional front starred in Chiranjeevi's Acharya which is racing for a grand release on April 29, 2022. The film also stars Ram Charan and Pooja Hegde in important roles.