Even after repeated searches and fines from the Hyderabad police, celebrities are not changing their styles. According to the latest King Nagarjuna's son, Naga Chaitanya got a huge shock from the cops. Police stopped Naga Chaitanya's Toyota Vellfire and fined Rs 700 for using heavily tinted glass.
Police stopped Naga Chaitanya's car at Jubilee Hills and imposed a fine of Rs 700 after removing the tinted glass. Jubilee Hills traffic inspector K Muttu revealed that Naga Chaitanya was traveling in a tinted Toyota Velfire and they stopped his black-colored car. Naga Chaitanya immediately fined Rs 715 fine and went away assuring that the black tint will be removed. Naga Chaitanya's car bears the number (TS09FT 2003).
Earlier cops fined Allu Arjun, Kalyan Ram, Trivikram Srinivas, and many other celebrities for a similar mistake. Naga Chaitanya on the professional front is busy with films like Thank You, Dhoota, and a project with Venkat Prabhu.