Pawan Kalyan, Rana's action entertainer Bheemla Nayak directed by Sagar K Chandra entertained fans of Power Star and also the masses. The makers today released the song Bheemla Nayak Back On Duty and it at once went viral on social media. The video song showed Pawan Kalyan in a powerful mass avatar and even hot hun Rana and Trivikram Srinivas are seen. The female actresses are seen dancing to the song full of powerful words elevating Pawan Kalyan's heroism as the sincere, honest and tough cop.
Roll Rida penned powerful lyrics for the song and the song is sung by Vaishnavi kovvuri, Pratyusha pallapothu, Rachitha rayaprolu, Parnika , Rita Thygarajan, Lakshmi Meghna. Thaman came with powerful beats for the song. The song is a full delight and powerful mass treat to the fans of Pawan Kalyan.
Bheemla Nayak starred Pawan Kalyan, Rana, Nitya Menon and Samyuktha Menon in the lead roles while Trivikram Srinivas provided dialogues and screenplay.