Watch Priyamani post ‘Golimaar,’ surprises were flown to Telugu audience one by one. If first was the shocking and perfect self dubbing by Priyamani for ‘Golimaar,’ next to follow are her improvised Telugu speaking abilities which is now making her less ‘Mallu’ and more a ‘Telugu’ girl.
Priyamani was too energetic and sportive at LB Stadium that she started to speak fluent Telugu for media people who buzzed her again and again. Sitting besides Aishwarya Rai yesterday for the promotion of ‘Villain,’ Priyamani was again nonstop in Telugu and Aishwarya was just amazed.
Media members who have seen Priyamani’s quick learning of Telugu language started to propogate the news that Priyamani loves Telugu language and Telugu people from the heart and she may well follow popular small screen anchor Suma, the Mallu turned into pure Telugu girl after marrying Rajiv Kanakala. So, Priyamani can soon be treated as our own girl once she finds up her jodi in a Telugu guy.