Renowned comedian Srinivas Reddy needs no introduction to Telugu movie lovers. Apart from starring as a comedian he is entertaining viewers doing lead roles. Srinivas Reddy who attracted with films like Geetanjali , Jayammu Nischayammu Raa is coming to entertain movie lovers with Mugguru Monagallu.
Achyut Rama Rao is producing Mugguru Monagallu directed by Abhilash Reddy on his Chitramandir Studios. While Srinivas Reddy is playing the lead role, the from also stars Deekshit Shetty ( Kannada hit movie Diya fame,), Vennela Ramarao in important roles. The makers released the first look recently.
The first look poster showing Srinivas Reddy, Deekshit Shetty and Vennela Ramarao in one frame is appealing to all. As in the poster Srinivas Reddy is deaf, Deekshit Shetty is sums and Vennela Ramarao is blind. This intriguing look is generating tremendous interest among movie lovers. .
Mugguru Monagallu is coming with such an interesting concept and to know more about it one should wait till the release of the trailer. The film's shooting is completed and post production is in full swing. The makers will soon announce the film's release date.
Cast: Srinivas Reddy, Deekshit Shetty (Diya Movie hero), Vennela Ramarao,Twish Sharma, Seetha Verma, Nizar,Raja Ravindra, Gemini Suresh, Josh Ravi,Bhadram,Surya,Jabardasth Sunny.