Tragedy struck at Ar Rahman’s house as his mother Kareema Begum passed away in Chennai today, December 28. The cause of her death is said to be serious ailment. The Mozart of Madras shared her mother’s picture on social media.
Rahman has more often than not expressed her mother’s influence on him and his adulation for her. Out of his many celebrated songs, 'Maa Tujhe Salaam' is also a poular one. Sharing about the relation the song has with his mother, Rahman said, "In all lives, the common factor is, not many people have seen the divine, but we are created through our parents. If we have a sound and love in that life where we get the nurturing of a mother and a father, I think we are stable in mind”.
He continues, "I had this in my mind on how to crack it because I was very objective about it, thinking whether patriotism will work or not. So, I was like, forget about the country, let's do it as a personal song -- like singing a song for one's mother. That's how it was created”.