Sensational director SS Rajamouli has atlast spoke his mind about the movie with charming prince of Tollwyood Mahesh Babu. This is one of the most peculiar combinations entire industry is waiting for. As we know that Rajamouli has become busy with ‘Maryada Ramanna’ after ‘Magadheera’ and Mahesh Babu was busy from last three years or so with ‘Khaleja,’ true that it happened years that both have met.
Rajamouli tweets to all Mahesh Bau fans, ‘4 al de mahesh fans asking/demanding/threatening :) me 2 do a film with him. v met rcntly after almst 2 yrs nd talked for a long time. We strategically agreed 2 do a film together. But it migt be a while 4 de project 2 materialize. ok!Bang me wid "what kinda film" suggestions.’
So, Rajamouli searching for a subject for Mahesh Babu…anybody of you ready to suggest him folks…