We have seen comedian Satya in fun-filled roles. Now, he got the opportunity to take the film on his shoulder where he is making his debut as the lead in Vivaha Bhojanambu. Starring Aarjavee Raj as the female lead, the teaser of Vivaha Bhojanambu got released on December 18.
Satya is a stingy man who gets married in lockdown time with only 30 guests in attendance. The pandora’s box opens for him after his in-laws stay with him owing to lockdown restrictions. This situation turns hilarious leaving us in splits.
Sundeep Kishan who is the co-producer of the film, is also doing a special role where his character is named Nellore Prabha. Directed by Ram Abbaraju, Vivaha Bhojanambu is inspired from real life events.