Balakrishna has given his nod for 150th film of Dasari Narayana Rao titled prestigiously as ‘Parama Veera Chakra.’ Nandamuri fans already on peak joy with ‘Simha’ where still more exaggerated by this rare combo. Yet there was still a thin membrane of doubt in their heads which was itching them on the caliber of Dasari in suiting the present modern trends of film making. To console themselves many thought of having a test of sorts with Dasari’s 149th film ‘Young India’ which is releasing tomorrow.
For any positive response from at least a small section of audience for this movie, it will offer a big concession for Nandamuri fans respite Dasari’s earlier failures. If by chance any negative talk is generated for ‘Young India,’ Nandamuri fans may even pressure up Balayya to rethink his strategy. Well, for the moment its ‘D’ phobia for ‘N’ fans.