Mega Star Chiranjeevi's niece and Mega Brother Naga Babu's daughter Niharika entertained with her latest flick Suryakantham. Though the film is getting mixed reviews, Niharika's energetic and bubbly performance won the appreciation of all. Niharika however is still searching for her first hit as her first two films Oka Manasu and Happy Wedding, failed to make an impression on movie lovers.
Niharika speaking to scribes made a sensational revelation. She said, "Some films slip out of our hands and go to others. Later we feel that we should have done that blockbusters after the release. Even I faced similar experience in form of Nenu Sailaja. The makers consulted me for the lead heroine. However during that time, I was still trying my best to convince my family members to allow me to entre into films. The makers waited for me for more than a month and later roped in Keerthy Suresh. You know the sensation Nenu Sailaja created at the box office"
Nenu Sailaja directed by Kishore Tirumala starred Ram and Keerthy Suresh in lead and turned out to be a blockbuster. The director is presently directing Sai Dharam Tej in Chitralahari.