After ‘Arundhathi,’ this has been a long wait for Anushka and her fans are to get right entertainment through ‘Panchakshari.’ Anushka’s extraordinary look for the movie has been revealed few days ago during a press meet but this time movie unit has released the first bunch of new pics related to this movie today and Anushka was looking amazing in both traditional and modern costumes.
Almost the entire shooting of the movie is completed and audio is to hit the shelf in the first week of April and movie will be released in last week of April. Producer Chandra was confident in declaring the statement that, ‘Panchakshari’ will stand as biggest hit of 2010 similar to what ‘Arundhathi’ did in 2009.
Have the awesome look of Anushka in both these sets of ‘Panchakshari’ stills.
Panchakshari 1
Panchakshari 2