From past few days, there have been numerous reports about super star Mahesh Babu’s 25th film Maharshi. Director Vamsi Paidipally is re-shooting few key scenes which is causing delay in wrapping up production works within the deadline. Some reported that, the film may not release on scheduled date of April 25th.
Apparently, these speculations irked Mahesh Babu as his fans are go on asking him about Maharshi release date. Seems like, he has forced his makers to come up with a declaration that, there will be no delay in film’s release date and it will surely hit the screens on April 25th.
Except for couple of songs, total shoot will be completed by March 15th. Post production works are also happening in full swing. In fact, April is a lucky month for Mahesh Babu who is keen about releasing his prestigious 25th film in the month.
Pooja Hegde is leading lady in Maharshi, wherein Allari Naresh will be seen as Mahesh Babu’s close friend.