Power Star Pawan Kalyan chief of Janasena is strengthening his party Janasena before the 2019 elections by going on a state wide tour in Andhra Pradesh. He planned to do the same in Telangana too, but the early polls, poured cold water on his plans.
Many of his supporters expected Janasena to contest at least in few constituencies in Telangana for the assembly. But much to the shock, after much delay, Pawan decided not to contest assembly polls but revealed that his party will contest for Lok Sabha.
Many wondered the secret behind this decision. Even before that with Pawan praising KCR and KTR for quite some time, people suspected that there has been a secret understanding to help TRS.
Inside talk is Pawan met KTR in Mumbai flying to the city abruptly halting his Praja Porata Yatra. Buzz is both met on the sidelines of an award function and after that came Pawan's announcement.
Many say Pawan and KTR met secretly on the directions of BJP High Command to take on Chandra Babu Naidu together.