Is Rakul Preet Singh in love and enjoying her love life? Seems so, as Rakul herself revealed this secret. The actress who attained stardom in a short span romancing top stars of Tollywood is all set to thrill all doing the role of Atiloka Sundari Sridevi in legendary actor NTR biopic in the direction of Krish.
Her look as Sridevi along with Balakrishna as NTR reprising the song Aku Chatu Pinde Tadise from Vetagadu went viral on social media. Rakul of late is heating the temperatures sharing her hot snaps on social media.
She shared her snap on Instagram in which she was enjoying looking at the beautiful beach in Goa and posted "#goadiaries #lovelife #peace #happiness #friends "
The question is whether Rakul is in love with nature or has a secret lover.