Mega Star Chiranjeevi's biopic on India's first freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy titled Sye Raa is generating tremendous interest among movie lovers. Mega Power Star Ram Charan is producing the film in a prestigious manner and realizing the dream of his dad Chiranjeevi to star in the role of a freedom fighter for the first time on silver screen.
Sometime back Uyyalwada Narasimha Reddy descendants expressed their anguish at the makers for ignoring to meet them before starting the biopic. Finally Doravari Dastagiri, Lakshmi Kumari met Ram Charan at his Konideal Productions office.
They expressed happiness on Ram Charan receiving them cordially and for mega family making a biopic on the freedom fighter. Ram Charan told them that he planned to meet them long time back but couldn't do so due to the busy shooting schedule.
Uyyalawada members said they requested Ram Charan to include Uyyalawada name in Sye Raa and Ram Charan responded positively. The family members said they earlier spoke with Suman and Sai Kumar to come up with a film on Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy but id didn’t materialize.
Yesterday Sanjana, the great granddaughter of Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy, married Chennai based person, Pratap Reddy. Many film and political personalities graced the occasion and blessed the newly wed at JRC Convention Center, Hyderabad.