Nagarjuna and Ram Gopal Varma teamed up for the fourth time for Officer. There were no expectations and buyers didn’t show any interest to invest on the film. However, Nagarjuna tried to bring buzz by promoting it vigorously. He was there for all the promotional activities and spoke positively about the movie.
Nagarjuna during pre-release event of the film announced that, if RGV failed to make a good film, he would have beaten him. On the other hand, RGV too made an interesting statement that, if Nag fans won’t like the film, they can beat the star as well.
Officer released on Friday to lukewarm response. The film registered very less numbers and in fact it is lowest opener in Nagarjuna’s career. Seems like, Officer will be removed from most of the theaters very soon.
One wonders why Nagarjuna made such false statement at pre-release event, though the film’s outcome is horrible and anybody can predict it is going to be a disaster. Apparently, Nag tried his best to save his old friend RGV, but in the process he lost the trust of his own fans!