Super Star Mahesh Babu’s performance as Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh in Bharat Ane Nenu which had a spectacular release across the world is winning the accolades of one and all. Mahesh Babu’s powerful performance, body language, expressions and motions, won the appreciation of not only movie lovers but also the diehard critics.
In the meantime Tollywood Jakkana Rajamouli who created sensation with his dream project Baahubali, drowned Mahesh Babu and director Koratala Shiva for the terrific performance and direction.
Sharing his feelings after watching the film, Rajamouli posted, “@urstrulyMahesh delivered his best performance. Casting is very good. Everyone fit in perfectly. Congratulations Danayya garu and the team of #BharatAneNenu.Raising issues like Local Governance in a commercial film requires a lot of thought. Truly appreciate @sivakoratala garu and @urstrulyMahesh for their conviction. Press meet scene is the best amongst many good moments in #BharatAneNenu.”
As we all know, Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli will be working together for a film that would start rolling after the director wrapping up his next with Ram Charan and Jr NTR.