Super Star Mahesh Babu's upcoming entertainer Bharat Ane Nenu is generating tremendous interest among movie lovers. Expectations are reaching sky high as Mahesh and Koratala Shiva earlier came with a blockbuster like Srimanthudu.
In the midst of all this rumors are spreading that Bharat Ane Nenu's story is not Koratala's own but he has acquired the rights of the story from Takita Takita director Srihari Nanu. Buzz is Sri Hari Nanu readied Bharat Ane Nenu story and Koratala acquired the rights by paying him a whopping Rs 1crs.
But Koratala rubbished the rumors and revealed the real secret behind it. He said, "I and Srihari used to be roommates at the start of our careers. During that time he has given me the idea narrating hero's role as that of the chief minister. I liked that idea and developed that line into a story. Bharat Ane Nenu's story is entirely mine but idea belongs to my friend. So I am displaying his name saying special thanks in the title card."
What Srihari Nanu will say about Koratala Siva’s statement?