Off late, Prakash Raj has been busy on social media with his anti-Hindu comments and anti-modi comments. It is ok if he goes against any political party in this democratic country, but what is he trying to prove by going against any religion? This is the question that is currently haunting any peace-loving person of the country.
Being a responsible citizen of this country and an actor who was loved by people irrespective of their caste, creed and sect, is it not a moral responsibility of a person in that stature, talk anything that is useful for the society or remain silent. Super star’s like Aamir Khan repented no sooner after his comments that he made against the safety of people received severe backlash.
Today, Prakash Raj once again tweeted a post with an image that says – “Hindus have been wiped out from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir. They never sought revenge from Muslims. They silently embraced death. All Hindus should learn secularism & tolerance from those Hindus” – Prakash Raj.
Not sure about the authenticity of the image, Prakash Raj has tweeted that this is fake news. He went on to tweet the following – “By spreading such lies, instead of debating my views, you are proving to the world how frustrated, desperate and the cheap levels you can stoop down. Dear citizens, please like and retweet this to show such cowards, that we stand for a fearless society which questions.”
Many netizens are lambasting Prakash Raj that why is he silent in the case of Chandan Gupta, who was shot and murdered in broad day light for chanting Vande Mataram during the Tiranga yatra in UP. This clearly shows how bias is Prakash Raj when it comes to his #Justasking. Now wonder, many are of the feeling that Prakash Raj has turned real life villain.